Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDSE) Days - April 10-14, 2017

From our colleagues in the CDSE department:

The Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering Department are proud to announce this year's CDSE Days 2017. The CDSE Days is a signature event conducted by the CDSE program to familiarize the campus with a broad range of fields of inquiry, which are supported by this Program.

Building on the tremendous success of the first two editions of CDSE Days, this year's event ­will be a week long list of activities related to CDSE. We believe this will be of interest and value to students and faculty across campus.

We are honored to present our 3 outstanding external keynote speakers:

Dr. Sharat Chikkerur (Nanigans), Prof. Matt Knepley (Rice University) and Prof. Sanjog Mishra (University of Chicago).

Additionally, external keynotes will be coupled with a talk from our own University at Buffalo CDSE speakers:

Dr. R. Bies (Pharmacy ­ CDSE hire), Dr. L. Wang (Math - CDSE hire), and Dr. Roesch (Finance - CDSE hire).

These 6 talks will be complemented by a suite of hands-on workshops and tutorials.

This diverse blend of presentations and workshops will provide an abundance knowledge and disciplines. It will be a unprecedented opportunity for students to learn about the exciting research frontiers in CDSE area. The workshops provide opportunities for skill development, that will be immediately useful in their work.

A printable schedule is attached below.  Please contact the CDSE department with any questions.
