April 2024: Monthly Maintenance Downtime (4/30/24)
Dori Sajdak
started a topic
11 months ago
Date of downtime: Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Approximate time of outage: 7am-5pm
Resources affected by downtime:
UB-HPC cluster (all partitions)
Faculty cluster (all partitions)
Portals: OnDemand
What will be done:
Reboot of all cluster nodes
Updates of front-end login nodes (login1/2, vortex1/2, vortex-future) and OnDemand
Infrastructure services updated
Conversion of faculty racks m23, m24, p25 to NOTLEGACY environment from LEGACY environment. This means anyone using the nodes in these rack will need to be using the latest software release
Changes to OnDemand apps:
Update to MATLAB app to allow for better window management and GPU access
Viz Node (CUDA/OpenGL) desktop app will be removed as this is no longer necessary
Users can run hardware accelerated graphics applications on any GPU node in the center
Users may choose the "viz" partition and QOS to access compute nodes reserved for visualization activities. This partition is limited to 24 hour maximum walltime and only 1 session per user. Using this partition may result in less wait times but this is dependent on demand for GPU nodes.
Dori Sajdak
Date of downtime: Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Approximate time of outage: 7am-5pm
Resources affected by downtime:
UB-HPC cluster (all partitions)
Faculty cluster (all partitions)
Portals: OnDemand
What will be done: