Important Upcoming Changes to CCR Systems

LEGACY software environments, compute nodes, and login nodes will be removed from service on June 25, 2024

Work done on CCR systems since August 2023 has slowly moved us to the final step of our process to retire the 20 year old legacy software environment and remove the CentOS 7 operating system from our infrastructure.

If you are currently using the ccrsoft/2023.01 software release and nodes tagged NOTLEGACY there is nothing else you need to do to prepare for the June downtime. Congratulations and thank you!

Based on our tracking of module usage, there are very few people still using the ccrsoft/legacy software modules. HOWEVER, we are concerned that there are users that will be severely impacted by the upcoming changes. There are two categories these fall under:

1. Your research group installs their own software:

If you are using your own software or software your group installed, please check to make sure it works on nodes tagged NOTLEGACY. If a software package was compiled it most likely linked to the local operating system library locations and this WILL NOT WORK in CCR's new environment.

2.  You use an Anaconda or python environment created prior to August 2023 and it was built using a module from CCR's legacy software:

If you used one of CCR's python or Anaconda modules from ccrsoft/legacy (installed in /util) to create Anaconda environments or Python virtual environments, these will not work after this environment is removed from service. Everything in /util will be removed!  You will see this location in your conda activation commands or if you still have this in your ~/.bashrc environment file.

We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE all long time users of CCR to test their workflows using nodes tagged NOTLEGACY to ensure that everything works as desired. If you have the .modulerc file in your home directory and it points to the ccrsoft/legacy environment, please remove this file prior to testing.  If you are loading the ccrsoft/legacy software release as a module in your Slurm script, please remove this before testing.  After the June maintenance downtime (June 25, 2024) there will be no compute or login nodes to run the legacy software and the software in /util will be removed.

Panasas Global Scratch System Retirement

All groups have been provisioned a global scratch directory in /vscratch/grp-GroupName with a 10TB quota.  Please begin migrating your workflows to this new scratch system.  On June 13, 2024 the /panasas/scratch file system will be set to read only.  Then during the June maintenance downtime (June 25, 2024) the Panasas system will be removed from service.

If you have data you want to continue to use, we recommend using Globus to transfer your files from /panasas/scratch to /vscratch.  It's extremely fast and you can start the transfer and walk away.  More info on Globus can be found here.