May 2024: Monthly Maintenance Downtime (5/29/24)

Regular downtime maintenance is complete and the systems are available again to users.  The first phase of the Vast storage expansion is complete but additional work will be done tomorrow to finish the process.  This will result in a total of 4.6PB of usable storage!  A data migration process will begin and our data will be moved from the older storage to the new hardware.  This will take many days or possibly a week but users should not be impacted by this migration process.  

Remember: Panasas scratch is being removed from service in July so please begin using your group's new /vscratch global scratch directory if you haven't already.  More info here

Date of downtime: Wednesday, May 29, 2024

NOTE: This has been moved from Tuesday to accommodate vendor's schedule

Approximate time of outage: 7am-5pm

Resources affected by downtime:

UB-HPC cluster (all partitions) 

Faculty cluster (all partitions)

Portals: OnDemand, ColdFront, IDM

What will be done:  

  • Reboot of all cluster nodes
  • Updates of front-end login nodes (login1/2, vortex1/2, vortex-future) and OnDemand
  • Infrastructure services updated
  • Update and expansion of Vast Data storage system - this may run long and cause the outage to be delayed into Thursday

IMPORTANT:  Have you updated your workflow to the ccrsoft/2023.01 software environment yet?  If not, there is only one month left before the ccrsoft/legacy software environment will be removed from service.  If you think your work will not be affected, please read this and run some simple tests just to make sure!