February 2025: Monthly Maintenance Downtime (2/25/25)

Date of downtime: Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Approximate time of outage: 7am-5pm

Resources affected by downtime:

UB-HPC cluster (all partitions) 

Faculty cluster (all partitions)

Portals: OnDemand, ColdFront (temporarily), IDM (temporarily) 

What will be done:  

  • Reboot of all cluster nodes
  • Updates of front-end login nodes (login1/2, vortex-future)
  • Infrastructure Updates
  • Documentation updates to be published: Update to software policy, new R information for software release ccrsoft/2024.04, additional information on using QOS values for clarification, added "change logs" section to documentation site which includes these downtime announcements.  All future announcements will be in the documentation
  • VSCode OnDemand app form changes - removed field to load additional software modules when starting.  This doesn't propagate to the VSCode environment properly so it is being removed.  Documentation is updated to reflect this change.

Specific Effects to CCR users:

None expected