July 2018 - Cluster-wide Maintenance Downtime (7/24)

Downtime dates for the summer of 2018 have been modified.  Please see this notice for more details

Date of downtime: Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Approximate time of outage: 7am-5pm

Resources affected by downtime:

UB-HPC cluster (general-compute, debug, viz, largemem, and gpu  partitions) 

Industry cluster (compute, scavenger partitions)

Faculty clusters (all partitions in MAE, Chemistry, Physics)

Portals: WebMO, OnDemand

What will be done:  Infrastructure server updates (FreeIPA, DNS, etc).  Operating system updated and reboot of all cluster nodes.  Isilon software update.

Jobs will be held in the queue until maintenance is complete.  If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail ccr-help_at_buffalo.edu