3/28/24: Known issue with job submissions to Panasas directories

The Problem:  

When submitting jobs from the login nodes (login1/2), if you are in a Panasas scratch subdirectory, the job will not run but no output files will be generated and you will receive no error indicating a problem.

The Work Arounds:

There are a few options to work around this:
1. Switch to using the new global scratch for your group - /vscratch/grp-groupName

2. Add the path of your Panasas output directory to your Slurm script and submit the job from your home or project directory.

#SBATCH --output=/panasas/scratch/grp-groupName/my-output-directory

The Reason for the Problem:

The login nodes were updated during the March downtime and the way Panasas is mounted is incorrect.  However, with users actively using the filesystem, we can not re-mount this without causing them problems.  This will be done during the next downtime.